What Does it Mean to Dream of a Loved One Who Has Passed?

Dreaming of a loved one who has passed away can be a powerful and emotional experience. As a grief counselor, I have worked with many people who have experienced such dreams and I can attest to the fact that they can be both comforting and unsettling at the same time.

When we dream of a loved one who has died, it is not uncommon for us to feel like they are really there with us. The dream can feel incredibly vivid, almost as if the person is right there in the room with us. This can be a powerful source of comfort, especially if we have been struggling to come to terms with our loss.

However, dreams of loved ones who have passed away can also be very unsettling. They can bring up a lot of emotions and memories that we may have been trying to suppress. We may feel guilty for not having spent enough time with the person while they were alive, or for not having said goodbye properly. These feelings can be overwhelming and can make it difficult to sleep or function during the day.

As a counselor, I often advise people to try to embrace these dreams and to use them as an opportunity to process their emotions. Instead of trying to push the dreams away or ignore them, we should try to explore them and understand what they might be telling us. Dreams can be a powerful tool for healing and can help us to come to terms with our loss in a healthy and constructive way.

If you have been dreaming of a loved one who has passed away, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Many people experience such dreams, and they can be a natural part of the grieving process. Take some time to reflect on your dreams and try to understand what they might be trying to tell you. If you are struggling to come to terms with your loss, consider seeking the help of a grief counselor or therapist who can provide you with the support and guidance you need to heal.

Unlocking the Power of Your Dreams with Rachel Interprets Dreams

Do you ever wonder what your dreams mean? Do you find yourself waking up feeling confused or intrigued by the images that you saw in your sleep? If so, then Rachel Interprets Dreamz can help.

Rachel Interprets Dreamz specializes in dream interpretation and offers a range of products and services designed to help people understand the messages in their dreams. Rachel’s approach was founded by Richard Hastings, a spiritual teacher and coach, who has spent over three decades studying and interpreting dreams.

One of the flagship products of Rachel Interprets Dreamz is the course “How To Interpret Your Dreams & Change Your Life.” This course is designed to help people understand the messages in their dreams and how they can use them to improve their lives.

The course is available on Gumroad, and it comprises video lessons, workbooks, and guided meditations. It is easy to follow and can be completed at your own pace, making it accessible for everyone.

The course starts by introducing the concept of dreams and their significance in our lives. Rachel explains how dreams can be a window into our subconscious minds and how they can reveal our deepest desires and fears.

The course then moves on to teach you how to interpret your dreams. Rachel breaks down the process into easy-to-follow steps and provides examples to help you understand the different types of dreams and their meanings.

One of the unique features of the course is that it teaches you how to use your dreams to improve your life. Rachel explains how you can identify patterns in your dreams and use them to identify areas of your life that need attention.

By understanding the messages in your dreams, you can make changes in your life and move towards your goals. The course also includes guided meditations that are designed to help you connect with your dreams and your inner self.

Apart from the course, Rachel Interprets Dreamz offers personalized dream interpretation services. You can submit your dream to Rachel, and she will provide you with a detailed analysis of its meaning and significance.

Rachel’s approach to dream interpretation is unique in that she combines her knowledge of dreams with her expertise in spiritual coaching. She uses her insights to provide a comprehensive analysis that takes into account both the literal and symbolic meanings of the dream.

In conclusion, Rachel Interprets Dreamz specializes in dream interpretation and offers a range of products and services designed to help people understand the messages in their dreams. The course “How To Interpret Your Dreams & Change Your Life” is an excellent resource for anyone interested in unlocking the power of their dreams. The course is easy to follow, accessible, and provides a comprehensive approach to dream interpretation.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unlock the power of your dreams and change your life. Enroll in Rachel’s course today and take the first step towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your dreams. For a limited time, use the promo code DREAMZ15 at checkout to get a 15% discount on the course.

5 Common Dreams and Their Meanings: What Your Dreams May Be Telling You

Have you ever woken up from a dream feeling confused, intrigued, or even a bit scared? You’re not alone. Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, and their meanings have been studied and interpreted in many cultures throughout history. While the interpretation of dreams is not an exact science, there are some common symbols and meanings that have been identified by dream analysts.

Here are five common dream symbols and their interpretations:

  1. Falling The sensation of falling in a dream is a common experience for many people. It can be an unsettling feeling, but it’s not necessarily a negative omen. Falling dreams are often associated with a loss of control, anxiety, or a fear of failure. They may also indicate a need to let go of something in your life that is holding you back.
  2. Flying Flying dreams are often associated with feelings of freedom, liberation, and a sense of being unencumbered by life’s challenges. They may also symbolize a desire to escape from something in your waking life or a need for greater control over your circumstances. Alternatively, they may reflect your ambition or sense of accomplishment.
  3. Teeth falling out The dream of losing teeth is a common one and can be a cause for alarm for some. However, it is often interpreted as a symbol of personal transformation, growth, or a fear of losing one’s power or ability to communicate. It may also reflect a fear of aging or loss of attractiveness.
  4. Being chased Being chased in a dream can be a terrifying experience, but it’s not always a negative one. It may indicate a feeling of being pursued or a fear of being caught out by something or someone in your waking life. Alternatively, it may indicate a need to confront or resolve a particular issue or problem.
  5. Water Water is a common symbol in dreams, and its meaning can vary depending on the context. Calm, clear water is often associated with a sense of peace and tranquility, while murky or turbulent water may indicate confusion or emotional turmoil. Water can also symbolize the unconscious mind or the depths of our emotions.

In conclusion, dreams can be a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of our minds. While there is no single “correct” interpretation of any dream, paying attention to common symbols and themes can provide valuable insights into our fears, desires, and emotions. By taking the time to reflect on our dreams, we can better understand ourselves and our place in the world.

“Unlocking the Transformative Power of Dreams: Exploring the Foundations of Dream Interpretation and Self-Transformation”

In this article, I’m outlining the four foundations of the dream interpretation approach that I use. These four points are explored in greater depth in an ebook and online course as well.

Consider the power of dreams and how they can guide us towards transforming negative emotions to positive ones. Dreams are one of the most profound tools we have at our disposal for understanding ourselves and our world. They can offer us guidance, insight, and healing if we know how to interpret them correctly.

Firstly, all humans are equal. Regardless of our race, gender, or social status, we all have the ability to tap into the power of our dreams. Dreams are a universal language that speaks to us all, regardless of our differences. By recognizing our shared humanity, we can open ourselves up to the transformative potential of our dreams.

The second key point is that humans have a lower and higher nature. We are capable of both great good and great evil. Our dreams can help us recognize and confront our darker impulses, while also inspiring us to embrace our highest selves. Through dream interpretation, we can learn to integrate these different aspects of ourselves and live more fully in harmony with our true nature.

The third point is that all dreams guide us to transform negative emotions to positive ones. Dreams are often filled with powerful emotions, both positive and negative. However, even the most terrifying or disturbing dreams can offer us valuable insights and help us release negative emotions that may be holding us back in waking life. By learning to decode the messages our dreams are sending us, we can tap into their transformative power and use it to create positive change in our lives.

Finally, dreams use the language of metaphors to give their message of change. Dreams are not always straightforward, and they often communicate in symbols and metaphors that can be difficult to understand. However, once we learn to decode these symbols, we can gain valuable insights into our subconscious mind and the deeper meaning of our dreams. By paying attention to the language of our dreams, we can begin to unlock their transformative power and use it to create positive change in our lives.

If you’re interested in learning more about dream interpretation and transformation, I encourage you to check out my course, Unleashing the Power of Dreams, available on my website at https://rachelinterprets.gumroad.com/l/sutnmg. In this course, we will dive deeper into the transformative power of dreams and learn practical tools for interpreting and utilizing their messages in our daily lives.

Remember, your dreams are a powerful tool for understanding yourself and the world around you. By learning to interpret and harness their power, you can unlock a world of insights and transformative potential. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, and together we can unlock the power of our dreams!

Overcoming Obstacles: The Key to Achieving Your Dreams

“The greater the obstacle, the greater the victory.” This powerful quote by Moliere reminds us that it is through overcoming challenges that we grow stronger and achieve success. Life is full of obstacles, but it is how we respond to them that ultimately determines our fate.

At Dreams for Peace, we believe in helping individuals overcome their obstacles and achieve their dreams. That’s why we offer the 19-Day Transformation Program, a comprehensive guide to personal development and transformation. This program is designed to help individuals identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve success.

The 19-Day Transformation Program includes daily exercises, meditations, and affirmations that will help you stay focused and motivated. By following this program, you’ll gain the tools you need to overcome any obstacle and achieve your dreams.

And for a limited time, we’re offering a special discount code, Dreamz15, which will give you 15% off the 19-Day Transformation Program. Don’t let obstacles hold you back any longer – take action today and start your journey towards success and personal growth with Dreams for Peace.

Personal Development: From Goal Setting to Self-Actualization

Personal development is an ongoing journey of self-improvement, growth, and self-discovery. It involves taking proactive steps to enhance one’s skills, knowledge, and awareness in different areas of life. Personal development can positively impact all aspects of our lives, including our relationships, career, health, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the benefits of personal development and how the 19-Day Transformation Program offered by Dreams for Peace can help individuals achieve their goals and transform their lives.

One of the main benefits of personal development is that it can help individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By gaining self-awareness, individuals can develop a better understanding of their personality, values, and beliefs. This understanding can help individuals identify what they want to achieve in life and set realistic goals for themselves. The 19-Day Transformation Program offered by Dreams for Peace can help individuals achieve this by providing daily emails, video lessons, and a dream journal that guide individuals through their personal development journey.

Another benefit of personal development is that it can improve an individual’s communication and interpersonal skills. Effective communication is essential in all areas of life, from personal relationships to the workplace. Personal development can help individuals improve their communication skills, including active listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. The 19-Day Transformation Program can help individuals develop these skills by providing exercises and tips that promote effective communication.

Personal development can also help individuals build confidence and self-esteem. By developing new skills and knowledge, individuals can increase their confidence in their abilities and feel more empowered to take on new challenges. The 19-Day Transformation Program can help individuals build confidence by providing guidance on how to overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.

In addition, personal development can help individuals improve their health and well-being. Developing healthy habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, can improve physical and mental health. Personal development can also help individuals reduce stress and increase resilience, which can improve overall well-being. The 19-Day Transformation Program can help individuals improve their health and well-being by providing guidance on how to develop healthy habits and reduce stress.

Finally, personal development can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. By identifying what is important to them and setting goals aligned with their values and beliefs, individuals can live a more purposeful life. Personal development can also help individuals develop a growth mindset, which allows them to view challenges as opportunities for growth and development. The 19-Day Transformation Program can help individuals live a more fulfilling and meaningful life by providing guidance on how to set goals and develop a growth mindset.

In conclusion, personal development can positively impact all aspects of our lives, from our relationships to our career and overall well-being. The 19-Day Transformation Program offered by Dreams for Peace can help individuals achieve their personal development goals and transform their lives. By providing daily emails, video lessons, and a dream journal, the program guides individuals through their personal development journey, helping them identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop communication and interpersonal skills, build confidence and self-esteem, improve health and well-being, and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Take the first step in your personal development journey today by ordering the 19-Day Transformation Program.

What does it mean to dream of running from a bear?

A dream about running from a bear can be interpreted in a number of ways, but there are some common interpretations that may be helpful in understanding the possible meaning of your dream.

One possible interpretation is that the bear represents a threat or challenge that you are currently facing in your waking life. This could be a personal or professional challenge, such as a difficult project at work or a conflict with a friend or family member. Running from the bear in the dream could be a reflection of your desire to avoid or escape from this challenge.

Alternatively, a dream about a bear could represent aspects of yourself or your personality. Bears are often associated with strength, power, and independence, so running from the bear could indicate a fear or reluctance to embrace these qualities within yourself.

It’s also worth considering the context of the dream, including the emotions and feelings experienced during the dream and upon waking. For example, if you felt particularly afraid or stressed during the dream, it could be a reflection of underlying anxiety or stress in your waking life.

Overall, the meaning of a dream about running from a bear is highly subjective and can depend on the individual’s personal associations and emotional state. It may be helpful for you to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about bears, and to consider seeking support from a mental health professional if you are struggling to process your emotions or experiences related to the dream.

Finding Inner Peace with Dreams for Peace

In a fast-paced world where stress is almost inevitable, finding inner peace is becoming increasingly challenging. However, with Dreams for Peace, it is possible to tap into a deep sense of calmness and tranquility through their unique approach.

Dreams for Peace offers a range of products designed to help people experience inner peace and connect with their spiritual selves. The flagship product is a 19-Day Transformation program that takes the reader through 19 days, or 19 steps, of self-reflection & growth.

The program, created by Richard Hastings, a renowned spiritual teacher, and coach, is designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. By reading or listening to the program, you can connect with your inner self and release negative energy, allowing you to experience a deep sense of peace and serenity.

The program is easy to use, and you can access it from anywhere, anytime, through Gumroad. It is also available in multiple formats, including MP3 and PDF, making it easy for you to use on different devices.

One of the unique features of Dreams for Peace is that it offers a personalized approach to dream interpretation and transformation. Richard understands that everyone’s journey to inner peace is different, and as such, he has designed the program to cater to individual needs.

The 19-Day program takes you on a journey that starts with deep identifying a goal and proceeds to exploring the depths of your inner self. The program also includes affirmations that are designed to help you shift your mindset and cultivate a positive attitude towards life.

The affirmations are personalized to cater to different needs, including stress reduction, improved self-esteem, and increased focus. By reading & listening to the affirmations regularly, you can reprogram your mind and align your thoughts with your goals, allowing you to live a more fulfilling life.

Another unique feature of Dreams for Peace is that it offers a community of like-minded individuals who are on a journey to inner peace. The community provides a safe space where members can share their experiences, ask for advice, and connect with others who share similar goals.

Through the community, members can find support and encouragement, making it easier for them to stay on track towards their goals.

In conclusion, finding inner peace is crucial in a world where stress is almost inevitable. Dreams for Peace offers a unique approach to dream interpretation & transformation that is personalized to cater to individual needs. By using their 19-Day Transformation Program, you can tap into a deep sense of calmness and tranquility, allowing you to live a more fulfilling life. Additionally, the community of like-minded individuals provides support and encouragement, making it easier to stay on track towards your goals.

Experience the power of Dreams for Peace today and take the first step towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Order your 19-Day Transformation Program PDF or Audio book today.

Want to Know the Key To Dream work & Transformation?

The key to dream work and transformation work is the ability to be comfortable with darkness, which refers to negative emotions and experiences. Richard explains that dreams are representations of the inner world, and negative dreams are valuable because they provide insights and information about where a person’s inner being wants to grow and transform. By being comfortable with their negative emotions, a person can transform the negative energy and develop new capacities inside themselves. He outlines steps for transforming negative emotions, including putting distance between oneself and the fear, recognizing the capacity the fear is leading to, identifying the coping behavior, and seeking outside help if necessary. The goal is to develop new capacities that benefit not only the individual but also humanity.


Imagine that you are in the midst of dream where you are about to be crushed by a tsunami or one that you are being chased by a fierce lion that is about to pounce on you. For most people who have this kind of dream, waking up from the dream is a big relief. They are happy to have it over or, in their words, happy that “its just a dream”. 

In the outer world (the material world) the dream is a representation of the inner world. If the dream were a physical experience, death would occur in the dreaming process. Because it is a representation (a symbolic depiction of an inner state), there is no need to be uncomfortable with it. Obviously, in the above two examples, you experience fear in your mind and in your body despite the fact that you are asleep. For most people just having that feeling go away in the immediate present is a big relief. This is what most people do to help children go back to sleep after a nightmare or when they imagine something negative in their room like a witch. What if you could wake up from a dream with a lot of terrifying images and say to yourself, “How great was that dream that it brought so much fear to my awareness!” “Now I can finally get somewhere in my life!” “Thank you for bringing me that fear because now I know I can get to the energy that will solve the dream and make me so much more competent.”


It is possible to love terrifying dreams if you know the secret of negative emotions. The secret to loving the negative dreams is that they give you valuable insights and information about where your inner being wants to grow and transform. Being comfortable with your dark states, your negative emotions, helps you get to the higher state that your inner being is trying to get you to. How do you do it and what happens if you don’t? If you do not do the inner work to help actualize the new potential being stimulated by the dream, then the what you saw in the inner world will manifest in the outer world. It may not be an actual tsunami or an actual lion, but it will certainly be the negative appearances that those negative energies represent. For instance, a lion could represent a fierce and abusive person coming after you, and a tsunami could be like a wave a negative criticism like what happened to Meaghan Markle from the British press after she married into the royal family. 

The dream world warns you ahead of time and, at the same time, reminds you of what fears you already have, where your weaknesses (your darkness) lies. The important thing is simply being “ok” with having the fear, that there is no shame in it. For a lot of people this can be a huge obstacle because most cultures socialize us to deny fears or try to put them aside. The dream tells you that you have it, so the best approach is to first say to yourself that it is OK to have the fear, and that it is going to be a big doorway to my transformation. 

You might be saying to yourself, “yea sure, Richard, nicely said, but it is just too scary to face.” 


The first step is to put some mental/emotional distance between yourself and the fear. During the nightmare your mind and body experience everything, but if you are going to transform the fear into a positive asset, you first need distance so that the feelings lose their intensity. The easiest way to begin the distancing process is by recording the dream on paper or through an audio recording. It is always very surprising how much fear can be lessened by expressing it. Keeping it in seems to make it more fearful. 

The next step is to make a statement to yourself like this. “I am having the dream and experiencing the fear so that I can develop a new capacity inside of myself.” “It is OK to have the fear.” “The fear is my friend because it is going to lead me to new development.” 

The third step has to do with finding the capacity that the fear is leading you to. I usually tell people to make a statement about their fear. In the tsunami dream I would ask what is the big negative wave that you are fearful of in your life. They would probably say that I am fearful of a big wave of negative criticism or gossip. If you know that the fear is a big negative wave of criticism, then you can figure out what the capacity is that their inner being is calling them to, being a big wave of positive encouragement to others. It is not good enough to think about the goal of the dream as making you aware of how fearful you are of criticism and then try to lessen the fear. Being a positive force of encouragement and support of others allows you to have a powerful impact on other’s lives which betters all of humankind. 

Step four is about finding out the kind of coping behavior that the intensity of the negative emotion causes. It is always a variation of flight, fight, or freeze. In the above dreams, depending on your personality, you could do all three. Most people are in the flight mode which makes them hide from being out there and doing positive things. The reason it is important to identify the behavior is because it will change when the fear changes. When the fear transforms, you can give the new capacity goals and tasks to do with its new energy like finding 5 people to encourage each day. 


Most people start to need outside help after step our to change the actual negative energy inside especially when the dreams bring up trauma from abusive experiences or experiences of abandonment. The important thing about being comfortable with your negative dreams and emotions is that they are leading you to a positive place where you are going to benefit the rest of humanity. How you get to the new capacity after you recognize it can be a complicated process depending on the past experiences. It is good to seek outside help. (Originally posted on www.dreamsforpeace.org)


19-Day Transformation Program

The 19 Day Transformation Program is a step by step program for inner change. Imagine that you have always felt yourself to be impatient or lazy or shy, that you have not made much progress with your character change. Now see what you would be like if you had a new energy inside like patience or endurance or boldness. Wouldn’t that just be so awesome! It is possible and this program is designed so that you can have that new energy working inside of you.


Exploring Our Ego and True Self through Dream Analysis

Explore the power of your dreams and learn how they can help you understand your lower and higher nature. Our dreams use metaphors to guide us towards self-transformation and personal growth.

In this article, we’ll take you through a reflection exercise that can help you understand your own psyche and how it relates to your lower and higher nature. By practicing this exercise regularly, you can gain deeper insights into yourself and use these insights to improve your relationships with others.

This exercise was first published in “Unlocking the Power of Your Dreams,” a 30-page Ebook filled with practical steps and tips for understanding your dreams which is included in The Dreamer’s Toolkit for Self-Discovery.

As the image depicts a person sitting in a relaxed position in nature, it suggests the idea of meditation or reflection. This image could be used to represent the introspective nature of dream interpretation and the importance of taking time to reflect on one's inner thoughts and emotions.  it may evoke a sense of calm and serenity, further emphasizing the idea of inner exploration and self-discovery.
Photo by Yuri Yuhara on Pexels.com

Four key principles of my approach to dream interpretation is that 1) human beings are equal 2) we all have a lower & higher nature [ego & true self] 3) our dreams guide us to transform our lower natures and develop our higher nature 4) dreams use metaphors to give these messages.

Our dreams can be a reflection of both our lower nature and higher nature. In this article, we’ll explore a dream you’ve had and see how it relates to your own understanding of these concepts.


  1. Take a few moments to think about a dream you’ve had recently. If you don’t remember any, try to recall one from the past that left an impression on you.
  2. Write down a brief summary of the dream. Don’t worry about including every detail, just focus on the key elements that stand out to you.
  3. Now, take a moment to reflect on the dream. How did you feel during the dream? What emotions did you experience? Did any particular symbols or images stand out to you? Write down your reflections in a journal or notebook.
  4. Next, consider how the dream relates to your understanding of lower nature and higher nature. Did the dream involve any behaviors or actions that you associate with your lower nature? (Behaviours caused by fear, anger, jealousy, hurt, etc) Did it involve any moments of empowerment or strength where you did something in the dream that was helpful that could be seen as representative of your higher nature? Write down your thoughts in your journal or notebook.
  5. Finally, think about what you can learn from the dream. Is there a message or lesson that you can take away from it? How can you use this understanding of your lower and higher nature to improve your life and relationships with others? Write down any insights or intentions that come to mind.

By exploring your dreams in this way, you can gain a deeper understanding of your own psyche and how it relates to your understanding of lower nature and higher nature. Keep practicing this exercise regularly, and you may find that your dreams become a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth.

This reflection exercise was first published in “Unlocking the Power of Your Dreams” a short Ebook with practical steps and tips for beginning to understand the metaphors in your dreams. This Ebook and more can be found at my Book Store.

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